Monday 18 July 2016


This long post is dedicated to the slain female Evangelist in Kubwa. 

I engaged in evangelism sometime ago and one encounter freaked me back into my non-evangelical shell.
The church organised an outreach. I was in Bible school so i decided to win souls for Christ (by that, I mean share fliers and say "please come to church on Sunday. We have a special program that day")

I walked into a street and noticed a man following me. At first I didn't think it was a big deal till I noticed that the street had a dead end so I turned back and was faced with the stalker who had stopped and was smiling mischievously.

My Mind: "Omg! This man is going to take away our virtue( mind is crazy sha!)...or he was an armed robber(OMG, that is a huge possibility)

I was freaked out. I suspected he smoked because his eyes were red and his lips were very black. With the current economy and inflation in everything, he could be looking for alternative stream of income to afford weed which price would be sky high right now (pun intended) but I knew I couldn't show any sign of fear. So I shoved a flier into his hand and said my rehearsed evangelical speech about the Sunday church program.

Stalker: "You are a very beautiful girl"( virtue... Noooooo) but the fear was overwhelmed with shock. His accent was so beautiful and his English was incredibly perfect. At this point, I stepped back and gave him a sweeping look. He was wearing an oversized shirt, worn out cotton pants and battered shoes.

So I did what I hardly never do. I preached to him. He listened intently with evident admiration. I made the talk seem casual. I told him I was just about to graduate from Bible school.

Him: "Wow! Bible school. Its hard to see a young beautiful girl...(oh stop it. Hehehe)... engage in evangelism not to talk about attending bible school. I have not been to church in 18years because I have been involved in a lot of evil...(huh, please define evil)...things. In Fact, I was about going to do something evil before you caught my interest."

Me: *swallows spit* 
He watched my reaction. We were still in the dead end corner.  I couldn't tell if he wanted me to be petrified but I fought for control. I knew I had to find a way to come out of that lonely street.

Him: "You don't realise the extent of what I have done, do you? I have never been to this part of the city before. It was my mission that brought me here. Do you know what Paul's mission to Damascus was?That is exactly what I am about to do. In Fact, my target just drove past us now. Because of you, I couldn't accomplish my mission" 

I was about to ask him what he meant by that. Then I figured that he was talking about a person. He probably had been shown the picture of the 'target'. Then I thought what if he was lying to me just to scare me. I couldn't bear the mental torture anymore so I told him I had to leave so I could attend the evening prayer service so I started walking out of the corner.

Him: " Can I go with you?
Me: "To church? I knew I didn't sound excited.
Him: "yes, I am so enthralled (enthralled? I don't think I have ever used that word in my life.Wow!)
Me: "Sure. It's this way"

I led him back out, into the Main Street with loads of people around and loads of bike men waiting patiently for their next customer.

My Mind: "Run! This is your chance. Hop on a bike and flee for your life. Save our virtue and possibly our material possessions"

But I ignored it and walked in silence with my 'new convert'. Thankfully, we arrived at the church in 5mins and sat down. Then his phone started ringing crazily. The first service ended and he asked if we could sit through the second service. I agreed. The phone kept on ringing. I asked him if he wanted to take it outside. He told me that it was his 'employer' wanting to know why he hasn't accomplished his mission. 

My Mind: "He could be wearing a bomb. Why else is he wearing such a big shirt? 

I thought about going to report to one of the pastors but what if he is truly wearing a bomb, he could just set it off. I quickly banished the thought. I couldn't risk. I told myself I needed to get through the service and then bounce.

But after the service, he was so 'enthralled' by the serenity of the atmosphere that he said he wanted to stay a bit longer before he went home. 

My Mind: "You really know how to pick them. Even in a godly mission, you still pick the psychotic"

Me: " Ermmm. I have to go home because I have a lot to do before tomorrow"

His phone started ringing again...

Him: "I have to go to.(oh, thank goodness) I got some explanation to do. I'd like to see you again.(Pleas don't ask for my number) Can I have your number? (Choi!)

I knew I couldn't give him an offline line because he would call the number for confirmation. I gave him my secondary line. He flashed the line and when my phone rang out, he smiled creepily. 

I put him in a cab with instructions on how he could get back to his residence which is in one of the prestigious parts of the city. 

I walked back home going over every detail of the encounter. He called me when he got home, expressing his love and admiration which I didn't encourage. After a while, the frequent calls and texts stopped.  I have not seen him since then. I also stopped personal evangelism. 

My point is Evangelism is a courageous act. Everybody has aired( still airing) their opinions about the death of the female Evangelist. There have been a flood of questions:

(1) "Why did God allow this? 
Nobody can search the mind of God. But we know that everything He does is for the ultimate good of man.
Stephen's death laid the framework for the conversion of Paul(formerly Saul). It is best to understand that God's ways are very different from the ways of man. Every man has a purpose on Earth and death is inevitable. In the grand scheme of things, her death has touched lives someway/somehow... Including mine.

Her death has left me with thoughts about my death day. Wondering what day among the 365/366 that I would return to my maker. I pass the appointed day, oblivious of the fact that it carries my D.O.D stamp on it. 

(2)"These morning criers are so annoying...why do they do this?

You think she enjoyed waking up that early, leaving the arms of her loving husband, getting out of the warm bed, dressing up in a hurry, carry her heavy bible and megaphone and walking out into the dark, cold streets...
She did this for 16years, even if she did this only once a week; in the midst fresh marriage(when she ought to be frolicking with her hubby) in the midst of pregnancies, catering for her babies, menses (we all know mornings are the worst)...

It is important to understand that the evangelism ministry is a heavy burden upon the hearts of many. It weighs heavily on the hearts that unless you yield to it, You won't have peace.

(3)"Will these perpetrators go Scot-free?
Well, one thing is that they understand that the Bible is holding the judgement of every perpetrator of evil. The words(curses) are waiting to take effect. And they always do...eventually!

 An example is Judas Iscariot: It was his purpose on earth to betray Jesus. (Poor guy) yet his curse were already laid up in Psalm 69:25
"May his place be deserted. Let there be no one to dwell in it"
His death was horrible.

And in Psalm 109:8

"May another take his place of leadership"

He was replaced by Matthias in Acts 1:26

Even Paul who persecuted the Christians, after conversion, suffered a lot of trials and tribulations. It is right to say that he was the Apostle who suffered the most.
2 Corinthians 11:23-28
He was imprisoned, flogged, exposed to death, stoned, shipwrecked, laboured, toiled, starved...etc
(4)  "Why is her husband and the church leadership saying that they don't want mortal justice?

God doesn't need man to fight his battles.
Deuteronomy 32:35
"It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them"

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