Friday 1 January 2016


Gen 1:3
And God said "let there be light" and there was light!
In the beginning of creation, God demonstrated the power in the tongue. This should be an example to believers everywhere.
The devil does not want you to know that his major weakness is God's spoken words. It literally paralyses him. God has put his power into his Word. Therefore, believers have access to God's power by speaking the word against the devil.

Because i am not ignorant of the devices of the devil, i have decided to start every day of this year reciting some psalms. 
Psalms 91 for divine protection.
Psalms 121 for divine intervention.

One way of using the word of God as a weapon against the devil is by memorising the scriptures. So it is easier to speak them out whenever you are confronted with any uncomfortable situation. 

God help us in Jesus name. Amen

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