Tuesday 5 January 2016


Our God is a God of abundance. Philipians 4:19
"And my God shall supply all my needs according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus"

The truth is that God has blessed mankind with the power to prosper and be fruitful. He has given us the power to make wealth because He is the owner of the cattle upon a thousand hills.

However many believers do not have access these blessings. This is why it is necessary to always pray. Ask God for access to His blessings. He will bless you. As a believer, you are entitled to prosperity and abundance. 

Its not rocket science. Ask and you shall receive! 

I have decided to include daily testimonies on this blog from now on. You can write me to share your testimonies on here for the glory of Almighty God.

I went to church today and i had the opportunity to rededicate my life to God. I do not take this opportunity for granted. I bless the name of the Lord.

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