Monday 11 January 2016


The annual RCCG Fasting and Prayers starts today and it would last for 50 days.

And Yes, i will join the fast and i would share my daily experience with you. God, being faithful, will fill everyday with testimonies, in Jesus name, Amen. Do find below the prayers points for this period.

Let the 50days fast begin
Day 1, Monday 11th January, 2016
THANKSGIVING - 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Psalm 100, Psalm 103
Father, I thank you for keeping me, my family and all that pertain to me. Psalm 34:1-6
Thank you O’ Lord for bringing me into this year. Job 33:18
Thank God for keeping you and all yours this year. Psalm 16:5-6
Thank God for His mercies on your life and family. Lamentations 3:22
Thank God because all will be well with you and all yours in 2016. Isaiah 3:10
Thank God for what He is going to do in your life this year. Isaiah 43:19
Thank God for your glorious future. Psalm 67:5-7
Day 2, Tuesday 12th January, 2016
CONSECRATION - Joel 2:15-17, Romans 12:1-2
Father, consecrate me spirit, soul and body as a living sacrifice in Jesus name.
Father,I receive supernatural purging and cleansing from every dead works by the blood of Jesus.
Father, pour upon individual and your church spirit of thanksgiving. Psalm 100
Father, sanctify and purify me from the filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit. Malachi 3:3, Matthew 3:12
Day 3, Wednesday 13th January, 2016
Joel 2:28, Acts 2:1-2.
1.      Father, pour out Your Spirit upon RCCG and the body of Christ.

2.      Father, refresh every thirsty soul.

3.      Father, give me new depths of intimacy with the person of the Holy Spirit.

4.      Father, anoint us as a church with fresh oil as we step into the New Year.

5.      Father, let there be a sudden visitation of the Holy Spirit that will cause revival to break forth in RCCG


Day 4, Thursday 14th January, 2016
Father, empower and anoint Daddy and Mummy G.O. afresh on a daily basis.
Father, by your mercy silence every evil plan against the ministry of Daddy G. O. and Mummy G.O. Psalm. 143:12
Father, fortify the strength of Daddy and Mummy G. O. Isaiah 41:13-14
Father, divinely protect Daddy G. O.’s and family Psalm 125:2
Father, contend with those contending with Daddy G.O. and his family. Isaiah 49:24-26
Father, give Daddy G.O. and family divine health. Psalm 128:3
Father, let your special hand of favour rest on Daddy and Mummy G.O. for the rest of their lives. Psalm 27:1
Father, help Daddy and Mummy G.O. to finish well and finish strong. 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Father, empower Daddy and Mummy G.O. to break more new grounds this year.
Day 5, Friday 15th January, 2016
Zechariah. 3:1-4, Isaiah 55:10-11, Numbers 23:19
Father, let your hand rest upon our leaders to operate in divine wisdom.
Father, continually fill our Pastors with the spirit of God and that they will not be distracted.
Father, by your grace and wisdom distinguish our Pastors as a pacesetter and to lead us in your will.
Father, divinely protect them and their family. Cover them with the blood.
Lord, we pray our Pastors will hear You clearly through the Holy Spirit not emotions.
Father, remove every obstacle or objection from their path. John 12:37
Day 6, Saturday 16th January, 2016
Father, increase our resources emotionally, spiritually, financially, intellectually and relationally. Ephesians 3:20 
Father, we declare full expression of Your presence in all areas of our life. Zechariah. 2:5
Father, increase our capacity. Enlarge the coast of ministers, workers and members of RCCG.
Ask God to increase our ABILITY - power to make things happen for Your Kingdom. 2 Samuel 22:34-36
Father, we declare divine protection all our ministers, workers and member of RCCG. Psalm 91:10-11
Day 7, Sunday 17th January, 2016
1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 2Timothy 1:6, 1st Corinthians 2:4
1.      Lord, let there be visible demonstrations of your power in my life and our services.

2.      Lord, stir up every spiritual gift in my life that has become dormant or inactive.

3.      Father, stir up every spiritual gift in the church that has been hidden or ignored.

4.      Father, let there be divine investment of spiritual gifts and uncommon abilities in RCCG.

Day 8, Monday 18th January, 2016
Gal 5:22-23, Isaiah 37:31; Isaiah 32:15
1.      Father, I decree that I am deeply rooted in your love and bear upward fruit.

2.      Father, I decree that I am only the fruits of righteousness are made manifest in my life.

3.      Father, empower me to win souls to the Kingdom of God daily.

Day 9, Tuesday 19th January, 2016
Micah 4:1-2, 1 Tim 1:18, Ps 2:8, Ezekiel 36:10, 11, 30, 37
1.      Father, give your church burden for lost souls.

2.      Father, uncover every veil hindering people to receive the glorious light of the gospel.

3.      Father, we call forth those who are appointed to be the sons and daughters of the RCCG.

Day 10, Wednesday 20th January, 2016
Father, let there be massive inflow of souls in all our parishes. Isaiah 2:2-3
Father, increase the influence of RCCG in the community that God has called her to. Isaiah 2:2-3
Father, show me divine opportunities to win souls to His Kingdom
Day 11, Thursday 21st January, 2016
REVIVAL IN THE LAND 1 Tim 1:18, 2 Chron. 7:14, Hosea 14:7, Zechariah 10:1
1.      Father, pour out your mercy on us as a church.

2.      Father, purge me of every form of disobedience and self-centeredness.

3.      Father, give me the grace to make the sacrifices required for the revival to break forth in our land.

4.      Lord, we break down the satanic strongholds that control the minds and hearts of people in the land.

5.      Father, we release the spirit of prayer upon our land.

Day 12, Friday 22nd January, 2016
REVIVAL AND RESTORATION - Ezekiel 37:1-14, Matt 16:18
Father, build your church into strong army, to take territories for you.
Father, let there be restoration of lost hopes & dreams this year. 2 Samuel 9:7
Lord, I decree upon my life the anointing to overtake and recover lost glory. Joel 2:25-27, 1Samuel 30:8, 19
Father, make every dry land a spring of water for me and your church. Isaiah 35:7
Father, revive every dead situations in my life.Ezekiel 37
Father, release spirit of grace and supplication upon RCCG to be a house of prayer and manifestation of your power.

Day 13, Saturday 23rd January, 2016
THE CHURCH - Acts 2:42 – 47
Father, give your church grace (Leaders & Members) to be steadfast and faithful in their role in the land. Acts 6:4, 2 Corinthians 7:1, Galatians 6:9
Father, let there be f oneness and unity in your church. Colossians 4:2, Philippians 2:2, 5, Matthew 16:18
Father, build your church. We come against every agenda of the enemy against your church.
Father, let your church have a personal encounter with you.
Father, strenghten the faith of each member of RCCG to do the work of ministry. 2 Timothy 1:9, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Jude 1:20.
Day 14, Sunday 24th January, 2016
THE COMMUNITY – Acts 2: 46, 47
Father, grant us wisdom and strategy to minister/ be relevant to the community. Matt 5:16, Col 1:9-11
Lord, grant them receptive heart. Psalm 95:7-8, Acts 19:19-20
Father, grant us mighty signs and wonders.
Father, grant us power of the Spirit of God to preach the gospel in United Kingdom.
Day 15, Monday 25th January, 2016
THE NATION – Jeremiah 29:7
Father, let your peace reign in UK. 
Lord, let the storms of terror be removed. Psalm 91:4 –7, Mark 4:37 -39
Father, let the leaders surround and subject themselves to Godly counsel. Proverbs 19:21, I Timothy 2:1-2, Proverbs 14:34
Father, grant us boldness to declare and uphold the message of righteousness.
Day 16, Tuesday 26th January, 2016
Lord, let our children receive life and they shall be saved. 2 Timothy 3:15, Titus 1: 9
Father, may our children never be victims of someone else's mistake.
Lord, our children’s destinies will not be destroyed or disrupted by accident or incident. 
Father, our children’s lives will not be terminated as a result of someone's error. 2Samuel 4:4, 2 Peter 3:17
Pray for growth and increase in wisdom, stature and favour with God and man in the lives of our children. Luke 2: 52, 2 Peter 3: 18, 92:12
Day 17, Wednesday 27th January, 2016
HEALING & HEALTH - Isaiah 53:5
Father, illuminate my eye with the revelation of Christ’s finished work. Isaiah 53:4-5, 1st Peter 2:24
Lord, cast out every spirit of infirmity. Mark 7:25-30, Luke 13:11-13
Lord, I will enjoy perfect health and wholeness. Isaiah 58:8, Jeremiah 30:17
Father, no room in my life for sorrow, depression sickness and pain. Isaiah 53:4
Father, I declare that every sickness in my body is destroyed in Jesus name. 1 John 3:8.
Day 18, Thursday 28th January, 2016
Father, release of your blessings upon the lives of our singles. Matthew 6: 33, Ex 23:25, Colossians 3: 23-24
Father, let our singles be preferred above their mates.
Father, no longer shall the singles be overlooked, desolate or rejected. Daniel 6:3, Esther 2:9, 1 Peter 2: 9
Father, let wisdom, knowledge and understanding lead them into favour in the sight of God and man. Isaiah 11: 2-3, Malachi 3:14-18
Day 19, Friday 29th January, 2016
Father, give me an excellent spirit after the order of that Daniel. Proverbs 22:29, Proverbs 10:4, Daniel 6:3-4
Father, favour me and the work of my hands beyond my imagination. Psalms 5:12, Luke 2:52
Lord, give me talents and business ventures that will make room for me. Proverb18:16,Genesis 26:22
Day 20, Saturday 30th January, 2016
Lord, preserve and protect our leaders from the schemes and craftiness of men. Psalm 31:20
Father, strengthen our leaders as they face the challenges that come with responsibilities of leadership. Ephesians 3:16
Lord, give our leaders wisdom, knowledge and understanding for leadership. 1Samuel 2:35 & 1Chronicles 12:32
Father, release uncommon strategies and creative solutions to our leaders. Proverbs 8:12, Daniel 5:11-14
Lord, anoint our leaders with fresh oil. Psalm 92:10, Psalm 89:20
Lord, raise a hedge of protection around all Pastors, ordained ministers, leaders and their family.
Father, preserve leaders health and let them fulfil your counsel and mandate. Psalm 89:22-29, Psalm 91:9-16
Day 21, Sunday 31st January, 2016
Father, protect me, my family and Church form tragedies and calamities. Philippians 1:6
Lord, hide me in the hollow of your hand. Isaiah 51:16, Psalm 17:8
Father, keep me from evil and protect me. I come against sickness and disease. Psalm 91
Lord take away sickness from the midst of us in RCCG. Exodus 23:25
Day 22, Monday 1st February, 2016
Father, give me grace to complete the project/assignment/ministry you committed into my hands. Acts 20:24.
Father, grant me divine speed this year 2016. Habakkuk 3:19
Father, grant me divine wisdom and clear direction. Isaiah 30:21
Day 23, Tuesday 2nd February, 2016
Lord, remove every reproach from my life and family. 1 Samuel 1:6-7
Father, give me testimony that will make my enemies praise the Lord that I serve. Psalm 126
Father, this year, give me a pleasant surprise. 
Day 24, Wednesday 3rd February, 2016
Father, do a new thing in my life, family and destiny. Isaiah 43:19
Lord, bring to fulfilment your plans for my life. Joshua 21:45
Father, help me not to hinder your work in my life. Psalm 81:13, Mark 11:22-24
Father, have your way in my life, family, work, career and destiny. Hebrews 10:9a
Lord, fulfil your good purpose in me in Jesus name. Jeremiah 29:10
Lord, fulfil your good purpose in UK, let souls be saved and revival. Psalm 85:6, Hosea 6:1-3, Habakkuk 3:2
Lord, fulfil your plan in my life, family and nation. Psalm 126:1-6
Day 25, Thursday 4th February, 2016
Father, make 2016 my year of fulfilment in Jesus name. Habakkuk 2:3, Jeremiah 30:8
Father, fulfil all my dreams and expectations. Genesis 15:13-14, Exodus 12:41
Lord, let 2016 be my year of divine and supernatural progress. Isaiah 43:19, Psalm 66:12, Acts 19:11
Father, let this be my season and year of exceptional favour. Psalm 102:13
Father, support me divinely in Jesus name. Psalm 54:4
Father, sustain me and all mine. Isaiah 41:10, 14
Day 26, Friday 5th February, 2016
Lord, let only the God fearing rule our nations. Proverb. 1:7, Psalm 33:12
Father, let there be stability in all nations. Proverb. 28:2, Proverb. 11:11
Father, we reject loss of lives and property in 2016 in Jesus name. Joel 2:25-26
Lord, avert natural disasters this year in Jesus name. Psalm 91
Day 27, Saturday 6th February, 2016
Lord, make me faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2
Father, let this be my year of unlimited lifting, establishment, prosperity and divine announcement.
Lord, let there be healing and deliverance from long standing problems. Luke 13:10-13, Mark 5:1-15
Day 28, Sunday 7th February, 2016.
Lord, help me to fast and pray like never before in 2016. Daniel 9:3, Matthew 4:1-2
Father, let my sacrifice of fasting and prayer be greatly rewarded. Hebrews 6:10
Lord, let 2016 be my year of new beginnings of greatness and glory in Jesus name. Isaiah 43:19, Isaiah 62:2
Father, make me a light to all around me, use me to win souls into your kingdom. Matthew 5:14, Isaiah 42:6, 49:6
Day 29, Monday 8th February, 2016
Father, let kings stand at attention and princes bow low to me. Isaiah 49:7
Father, let kings and queens serve me, let them take care of all my needs. Isaiah 49:23
Lord, multiple every blessing in my hands. 
Day 30, Tuesday 9th February, 2016
Father, cause me to sing songs of everlasting joy. Isaiah 35:10
Lord, let sorrow, sighing and mourning flee far away from me. Isaiah 35:10
Father, from now, let me know only the joy of The Lord continually.
Father, let me enjoy joy unspeakable joy and fill my life with your glory throughout 2016.
Day 31, Wednesday 10th February, 2016
Father, deliver every prey from the hand of the mighty in Jesus name, Isaiah 49:24-26
Lord, put to shame every evil strongman. Luke 11:21-22
Lord, deliver every lawful captive and the prey of the terrible in Jesus name. Isaiah 49: 24-25a
Father, fight with those who fight with me and save my children in Jesus name. Isaiah 49:25b
Father, feed my enemies with their own flesh; let them drink their own blood like sweet wine in Jesus name. Isaiah 49:26a
Father, let all the world know that you are my Saviour and Redeemer. Isaiah 49:26b
Day 32, Thursday 11th February, 2016
Father, please release the flood of righteousness. Psalm 51
Father, release the flood of your Power, Victory, and peace to our entire nation.
Father, help me to obey your word.
Father, help me to obey your voice. 
Father, let the nations of the earth be blessed through me, Zechariah. 10:1
Father, in a special way, do something new in our lives.

Day 33, Friday 12th February, 2016
Father, please give me peace like a river in every facet life. Isaiah 66:12
Father, let your peace rule in all area of my life
Father, still every storm in my life, Mark 4:39
Day 34, Saturday 13th February, 2016
Isaiah 48:17, John 10:4-5, Isaiah 30:21, Psalm 37:23
1.      Father, I declare that my ears will hear the voice of God clearly.

2.      Father, I download heavenly strategies to establish dominion in my life.

3.      Lord, order every step of RCCG members.

4.      Father, I move from glory to glory to fulfil God’s purpose for my life.

Day 35, Sunday 14th February, 2016
Father, open our eyes to the principle of abundant life and fruitfulness. Proverb. 3:5 – 10
Lord, anoint your people to multiply greatly in 2016.
According to your word, Lord Jesus, make your church exceedingly fruitful in 2016. Genesis 12:1 – 3, Genesis 26:12 – 13, Genesis 30:43, Genesis 28:3 – 4
Father, bless us in 2016 ‘O LORD, send the arrow of barrenness back to the sender. Genesis 27:27 – 29, Genesis 12:3
Day 36, Monday 15th February, 2016
Father, let your glory fall on RCCG, make us solution of the issues in UK.
Lord, release your strength and resources for every member.
Father, uproot the spirit of fear that stops us from moving forward. Colossian 2:15 
Declare that whoever occupies the place God has given you be removed and ask that God will unseat them and restore your territory to you. Esther 2:1- 4
5.      Holy Spirit reveal the areas I need to work on and fill me with wisdom and knowledge.

6.      Lord, awaken every sleeping giant in the mighty name of Jesus.

Day 37, Tuesday 16th February, 2016
Father, make us more fruitful in year 2016. John 15:2
Declare a divine change of status in every area of your life. Genesis 32:28
Declare to God that you will not let Him go unless He blesses you. Genesis 32:26
Pray against financial death and bankruptcy, for financial promotion in the life of members of RCCG in 2016. Psalm.1:3
Day 38, Wednesday 17th February, 2016
1.      Thank God for strength, grace and daily provision - Nehemiah 8:10
2.      Pray that that Lord almighty shall give them fresh unction to carry on the work - I John 2:20.
3.      Pray that the beauty of The Lord shall rest upon them and their families - Psalm 90:17.
4.      Pray for more excellent spirit and pray against every evil plans their work - Daniel 6:3; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
Day 39, Thursday 18th February, 2016
1.      Father, take your RCCG to her next level of explosion.

2.      Lord, contend with those contending with the servants of God in RCCG. Isaiah 49:24-26

3.      Father, every enemy of revival in RCCG shall dry up from their roots.

4.      Father, let the 50 days fasting be fruitful for all participants, their families, our Nations and the Church. Isaiah 58:6-12

5.      Father, let there be open Heaven for showers of blessings and testimonies. Ezekiel 34:26

6.      Lord, let there be great harvest of souls in 2016.

Day 40, Friday 19th February, 2016
Deuteronomy 8:18, Psalm 35:27, Psalm 115:14, Luke 6:38
1.      Father, open my eyes to see the abundance of your riches and glory.

2.      Father, make me a true giver who will invest in your Kingdom.

3.      Lord, I break every spirit that stops people from plugging into the covenant of prosperity through giving.

4.      Father, release the power to get wealth and the wisdom of God to create multiple streams of income, Deuteronomy 8:18

5.      Ask for uncommon financial miracles in your life and for RCCG   

6.       Command the 4 cardinal points of this nation and the earth to release every financial increase that is due and or long overdue.

Day 41, Saturday 20th February, 2016
UNITY - Psalm 133, Acts 2:1-3, Joel 2:7, Isaiah 7:5-7; 8:9-10
1.      Decree that the bond of unity is strengthened amongst the leadership & RCCG.

2.      Father, destroy every plot and plan of the devil to cause division, confusion and contention in RCCG.

3.      Lord, frustrate the schemes and strategies of hell against RCCG.

4.      Father, establish clear lines of spiritual authority and divine order in every aspect of our lives and ministry.

Father, I decree that every leader and member walk in their divine calling.
Day 42, Sunday 21st February, 2016
MARRIAGES & FAMILIES - Colossians 3:18-21
Pray for divine love in our marriages. 1 Corinthians 7:2-3, Hosea 2:14-20
Pray that our families would be worthy ambassadors of God’s kingdom.
Father, let every trial in our marriages become testimonies James 1:17, 2 Corinthians 5:20
Father visit us with, uncommon favour, unexplainable miracles and unbelievable testimonies.
Day 43, Monday 22nd February, 2016
Father, reveal to me your agenda and plan for the next level of my life.
Father, give me the revelation of who I am in you.
Declare that the Lord will single you out and cause you to rise up amongst your peers. 2 Kings 9:2
Father, let our leaders follow your leading and anoint their eyes to see beyond the natural.
Father, release your power, might, strength and ability upon me.
Day 44, Tuesday 23rd February, 2016
Father, give me wisdom and understanding to operate in enlargement.
Father, I declare that I enter and break forth into enlargement. Psalm 4:1
Father, I will not let you go until you bless me and I conquer this mountain, Psalm 18:29, Genesis 32:26
Lord, activate every man you have ordained to connect you to your enlargement. Daniel 5:9-12, Genesis 41:14, Exodus 17:12
Day 45, Wednesday 24th February, 2016
Father, renew your fire and passion for the work of the ministry in me.
I declare that my walk with the Lord will not be in vain, Philippians 2:16, 1 Corinthians 15:58
I declare that as I walk with the Lord, I will not fail Him.
Declare that as you receive strength and grace for the work that your strength is made perfect in Him.
Day 46, Thursday 25th February, 2016
Father, provide for me emotionally, spiritually, financially for the work you have commissioned me to do.
Father, open my eyes and reveal what is keeping you from serving you as you desire.
Lord, birth in me a mighty hunger for your presence. Jeremiah 29:13
Father, revive my personal walk with Him. Lord fill me with yourself. Jeremiah. 29:13
Day 47, Friday 26th February, 2016
Lord, anoint all members of RCCG to excel, Daniel. 5:14, Deuteronomy. 28:13
Lord, anoint your church with fresh oil, Psalm 92:10
Lord, grant all members power to prosper this year in Jesus Name, Deuteronomy. 8:18
Lord, Let your church arise and shine in year 2016 in Jesus Name, Isaiah 60:1
Day 48, Saturday 27th February, 2016
Father, let me experience enlargement over every area of your life. 1 Chronicles 4:9-11
Lord, let your hand be upon me.  I declare no restrictions to preaching of the gospel. Ezra 8:21-23
Father, let your hand be upon RCCG, let signs and wonders be of daily occurrence in RCCG, 1 Corinthians 4:20, Acts 4:33, Acts 5:15-16
Day 49, Sunday 28th February, 2016
Father, let there be increase, expansion and growth in my work and business. 1 Chronicles 4:10 
Lord, I take everything the enemy has stolen from me today. 2 Kings 6:5-7
Father, I claim all your promises, prosperity, healing, fruitfulness, etc.
Declare that RCCG will prosper, blossom and expand. Exodus 23:25-26
Lord, I command every power of curses in my life to be broken. Haggai 2:19-20 
Father, let the glory of this present house (RCCG) be greater than the former. Haggai 2:9,
Declare joy, peace, restoration, testimony upon RCCG. Zechariah. 10:1
Day 50, Monday 29th February, 2016
Thank God for sustaining us through the 50 days of fasting and Prayer.
Thank God for answered prayers
Thank God for granting us the strength to grow through the 50 days fast. I Chronicles 16:34, Psalm 18:46-50
Glorify God for speedy answers to prayer request presented to Him.

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