Thursday 26 November 2015

Seek Ye First

Dear bloairy,

I have to say my life hasnt been easy. I wake up with worries...

"OMG, its another day. What will i eat? What am i gonna wear to work? Speaking of, i hate my job. My boss is so annoying. And my colleague(s).... Rolling my eyes... Not to mention the irritable customers/clients i have to deal with. As if my life isnt tough enough...oh gosh, i cannot deal..."

And then i remember that i have not prayed yet...

"...Good morning Jesus and thank You for the gift of life....'


I go to bed with regrets...and more worries.

"... Now the day is over. I really should have put 'whatsherface' in her place. Well, next time... What will i wear tomorrow? I need to buy more clothes but i need money to do that. *sigh*... So 'whatsherface' is getting married and i am still here... Still Unhappily unmarried! I should have said yes to 'whatshisface'.... Oh gosh.. This is too much for me. If i were married, i would have done this and that, been here or there...."
This was totally unhealthy spiritually, physically, mentally. However i couldnt help myself. It was an inevitable routine i subjected myself to every single day. 

So recently i decided to seek Jesus' thoughts on my routine and this led me to 
Matthew 6:25-33
"Therefore i tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what will you wear....
...Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?...
...But Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."

Kingdom, yea?

 I decided to search further. what is this Kingdom Christ spoke of... And i was surprised that i wasnt the only one curious about this mysterious Kingdom. Brother Nic was also curious in John 3: 1-8.

However bro Nic was a lucky chap because he had the opportunity to ask Jesus directly what this kingdom meant.

 The weird part is that bro Nic was a teacher yet he didnt understand the concept of 'the kingdom of God'. John 3:10 (so what was he teaching his students all those while. Good thing he snuck out in the night to get clarity from Jesus)

In John 3:10-11, Jesus pointed out the fact that there are two categories of people. The 'you people' (the category of people who have no knowledge nor understanding. i think i am included in this category: the Outsiders) and the 'WE'( the category of people who speak of things out of evident knowledge and understanding: the Insiders)

Being an insider seems so attractive and according to the Bible, becoming an insider is by living according to the rules of the kingdom. And one of the rules of the kingdom is in Matthew 5:25-33
Seek ye first- make the things of God priority over the things of the world and the good things of the world will be given to you.

Therefore in the spirit of seeking first the kingdom, i have decided to create an imaginary waste bin for all my worries. The next time i am plagued with worries, i will mentally dump them in this bin.

What will i eat tonight? ------>waste bin
My boss and his incessant trouble------------------->waste bin
My annoying colleagues and clients--------------------> waste bin
I cannot afford to buy all those fancy clothes and shoes--------> waste bin

Etc---------------> WASTE BIN!!!!!!!


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