Tuesday 16 August 2016


I have been AWOL and I would explain the reason in a testimony form.

I am not a testimony extrovert (someone who shares the testimony in public). The only time I did that was in a small house fellowship and I breezed through the entire story that by the  time I was done I saw the puzzled look on the fellows' faces like "did anybody get that? So I vowed never again.

Over the years I have heard some testimonies that left me with different impressions... Some with good effect, others with 'eye-rolling' effect then many with "did anybody get that? effect. (LOL)

Example of testimonies with good effect:
Testified: Praise the Lord
Response: Halleluyah
Testifier: I want to thank God for so and so. 
Response: wow. Halleluyah. *claps*

Example of 'eye-rolling' testimony:
Testifier: "praise the Lord"
Response: "Halleluyah"
Testifier: I am grateful for my life. I finished loosening my attachment in the night and I put it on the floor. When I woke up in the night to ease myself , I saw something curled up in the corner like a snake. I screamed and jumped up but I said out loud that I am fearless and I will tread upon snakes and scorpion and then I turned on the light switch and saw that it wasn't a snake. IT WAS MY ATTACHMENT! (True story!)
Response: WTH?

Example of 'did anybody get that' testimony:

Testifier: "praise the Lord"
Response: "Halleluyah"
Testifier: I don't usually come to give testimony because I am a shy person and I have to appreciate our pastor. God bless you sir. Please clap for our pastor. This man right here is truly a great man. Very humble, very accessible. I use to call him around 1am and he would pick up the phone. Thank you sir. This man ..... (At this point, someone would have collected the mic from his him)
Response: Did anybody actually get the guy's testimony?

But recently I got a higher understanding of the purpose of testimonies. No matter how small the testimony seem, its sole purpose is to ELIMINATE DOUBT(S).

Revelations 12:8
And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony....

In other words, everytime a testimony is shared, the devil is being defeated. Therefore I am going to share a few of my testimonies to defeat the devil back to back. (Hehehe)

First testimony:
My CGPA after my second semester result was 3.34
I had already resigned my fate that I was going to graduate with a 2:2 but one day after listening to a message on Faith, I pleaded with God for a graduation gift of 2:1.
For the first time in my life, I got over 4.5 during my 400 level first and second semesters.  GOD IS AWESOME!

Second testimony; Service year.
I had a great service year and I was given a post of a supervisor in a transport company and earned a fat salary and other bonuses which made my fellow Corper very envious of me.  I was retained after service year and the whole experience was awesome till I got bored of the job and decided it was time to move on. GOD IS SO AWESOME.

Third testimony; the reason why I have been AWOL!

In my quest to move on, I started putting out my C.V. I saw an advert for a 15 years experience for a managerial position. I laughed my heart out while applying. I mean how old am I that I would have 15years experience. I didn't expect that I would be picked but fortunately I got called for an interview which I attended. At the end of the three-day interview I got the job, with an official apartment.
 The experience has been incredible. GOD IS TOTALLY AMAZING!!!

Nowadays I listen keenly to all kinds of testimonies. I don't care how ridiculous it may sound. I focus on its purpose; Glory to God, defeat to the devil.

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