Wednesday 28 June 2017


One Truth: JESUS IS LORD: BE CAREFUL OF DREAMS: I have always been a dreamer. (my friends call me 'Josephine the dreamer'). this is because 90% percent of my dreams become a re...


I have always been a dreamer. (my friends call me 'Josephine the dreamer'). this is because 90% percent of my dreams become a reality. But i recently found out that some people especially Africans allow their dreams affect their reality so much that they have become a guide as to actions and thoughts.

 For instance, if an African woman have a dream about a certain person doing something negative, that person automatically turns into an enemy. this use to happen to me growing up. we stopped greeting and talking to some people because someone had a bad dream about them and subsequently spread witchcraft stories.

Children become terrified of some elderly people (mostly elderly women) due to farce stories of witchcraft they were told or overheard which had their origin rooted in a dream of one overly spiritual relative/friend. some relationships even marriages have been destroyed due to false dreams of a husband dreaming that his wife was seated in the midst of older women with blood dripping from their mouths (automatic witchcraft certification) or a wife dreaming of her death with the husband by her side laughing wickedly ( automatic 'ritualist' certification) or a boyfriend dreaming that his girlfriend would make him a wretched man.... the list is endless.

It is important to be careful of the devices of the devil because he seeks out ways to instill fear in people. and how can we tell that these dreams are not from God? The answer is found in 2 Timothy 1:7

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a strong mind."

Just as God sends His angels to us via dreams to convey messages to His children, the devil uses this method to trick God's children to cause fear and disunity in families and relationships. When i was about 12 years old, i had a dream of my close friend leading me to a large expanse of water, we entered a boat and were headed to an unknown sea destination. I told my family the dream and the automatic interpretation was that the girl belonged to the marine kingdom and was trying to initiate me. I was forbidden to see her again consequently i avoided her till our relationship deteriorated. She eventually got the message and stopped visiting. This subconsciously affected my life as i became very paranoid which resulted in a life of isolation and fear till I met the 'TRUTH' (JESUS!!)

Therefore it is important to test every dream before interpretation. If the feeling was an overwhelming fear, then it was not from God. Even if God sends a warning via dream, He would not leave you hanging without any solution. Matthew 2:13, God told Joseph to flee from Egypt.. He revealed Herod's plan and provided a solution of escape for them.

It doesn't always have to be a negative dream. The devil can also come in a sheep-clothing kind of dream. For instance, he could sweetly guide you via dream into making a wrong career, marital or financial decision. So before you conclude on a dream, PRAY.
Matthew 7:7- ASK,SEEK AND KNOCK and there is a guarantee that you will get and answer to your prayer. God is not a man the He should lie. He has said it, He will do it!