Tuesday 1 November 2016

On the job Training

On-the-job Training

'Lord, please send someone else.' Exodus 4:13 NIV

When God called Moses to go into Pharaoh’s palace and announce, ‘Let my people go,’ he responded by saying, ‘Please, send someone else to do it.’ Is that how you feel today? If so, here’s what God told Moses: ‘Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.’ (Exodus 4:12 NIV) When God calls you He equips you. But He doesn’t necessarily do it in advance. Sometimes your training takes place in the process of doing what God said. And that can be scary. Maybe you’ve been saying to God, ‘I’m afraid to speak in front of people—what do You mean You want me to lead this meeting?’ Or, ‘Why would You want me to apply for this job when I’m not particularly qualified?’ You can’t rely on your own perspective. The only qualifications needed to do any job God asks of you are His strength and Hisability. The rest is on-the-job training. You simply have to trust God and act on His urging. That doesn’t mean you’ll never be afraid. You will! But that’s when you must exercise your faith to stretch and grow beyond what you can imagine, and start doing what needs to be done based on what you currently know. That can be humbling. You’ll find yourself more dependent on God than ever. It’s likely you’ll have to ask a lot of questions of those around you—and sometimes more than once. But don’t be afraid to ask, to make mistakes, to seek assistance, or do things differently from your predecessor. If God called you—you’re the right person for the job. Never lose sight of that!

SoulFood All Saints Day: Heb 11:4-12:3, 1 Chron 17:1-20, Ps 18:20-29, Pro 4:18